Forum o hře Vector TDX
Vector TDX
Kategorie: Strategie
Vydáno: 26.03.2008
Plugin: Flash
Velikost: 1610 kB
Spuštěno: 10565x
Staženo: 232x
Hodnocení: 55%
Popis hry:
Je tu další těžce obranářká hra která vyniká především rozmanitostí obranných věží, které můžete stavět. Každá z nich má trochu jinou funkci a proto je nezbytně nutné, aby všechny spolu dokonale spolupracovaly.
Pouze myší.
1 napsal/a 07:20:45 03.01.2016
SrDV7rhKj9Cw napsal/a 12:44:37 29.09.2013
JamesAugust 9, 2011Thanks for what your are doing. How can I help? I am a middle class high scohol teacher (also under attack for just being in the teaching profession these days) and former US Army Officer. You guys are doing an amazing job in spreading this message ..this is God's work. Some things I suggest needs to happen:1. End the BUSH tax cuts.2. Bring back MADE IN AMERICA3. Stop outsourcing4. Stop the war in Iraq and Afghanistan(yet keep military strong)5. Investigate oil companies can there be so much money for them, and so little for the average to poor americans? RECESSION??? Follow the money who is making $$$$$$$ HOW?6. Whoever runs for political office ..MEAN what you say when you say MIDDLE CLASS and POOR (LOWER CLASS) These are the people who need help right now.7. Confiscate golden parachutes from companies who failed that the US govt. bailed out.8. Any company that outsources jobs should be taxed at a higher rate than those that employ American citizens only.9. Stop ILLEGAL immigration now!10. Pray.Just my few cents.
Llama napsal/a 13:47:07 16.10.2009
Oranžový sprinteři mi dali zas po čuni..
Llama napsal/a 13:45:00 16.10.2009
lvl 29 a finíííto
dominik napsal/a 15:34:54 13.07.2009

37 lvl
Danulqa napsal/a 20:04:26 26.10.2008
prkotina lehky

jinac super hra
Danulqa napsal/a 20:04:15 26.10.2008
prkotina lehky

jinac super hra
Danulqa napsal/a 19:53:35 26.10.2008
prkotina lehky

jinac super hra
Jindra napsal/a 10:32:38 22.09.2008
Level 50 a hotovo
Anonym napsal/a 13:13:34 20.09.2008
ivan napsal/a 20:09:03 27.07.2008
level 32 a kaput
spina napsal/a 17:49:47 26.07.2008

na levelu 27 som skoncil bohuzial
Tomáš napsal/a 12:05:23 20.06.2008
Neznáte podobnou hru na elefony? na k800i v javě, byloby to super-)
Tomáš napsal/a 11:54:40 20.06.2008
Neznáte podobnou hru na elefony? na k800i v javě, byloby to super-)
Anonym napsal/a 12:03:21 15.06.2008

som tu
Stana napsal/a 00:20:18 13.06.2008
Tak podle Karlova navodu se 32 da
stana napsal/a 23:29:23 12.06.2008
29 ale vic snad ani nejde
Milfis napsal/a 10:23:04 01.06.2008
No tak sem se nejdál dostal taky jen 27