Forum o hře Twin shot 2

Twin shot 2

Twin shot 2

Kategorie: Skákačky
Vydáno: 02.02.2010
Plugin: Flash
Velikost: 2400 kB
Spuštěno: 19115x
Staženo: 91x
Hodnocení: 55%

Popis hry:
Twin shot 2 je výborná skákací hra, v níž se vydáte do oblak, kde se střetnete se spoustou prapodivných tvorů. Pro postup do dalšího kola je potřeba všechny tyto tvory vystřílet a nenechyt si od nich vzít všechny vaše životy. Šípy, které střílíte, můžete také využít jako schody. Hru Twin shot 2 si můžete na jednom počítači zahrát i ve dvou hráčích.
Hráč 1: pohyb - šipky, střelba - mezerník. Hráč 2: pohyb - WASD, střelba - F.

Hodnocení: Nelíbí 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Líbí

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dgf[cenzurováno]zh napsal/a 10:42:18 19.08.2013
Anonym napsal/a 18:37:21 01.06.2013
YgapYvKgMQRBWPcHdL napsal/a 12:57:49 08.01.2013
Hey Government of NYC how about doing something smart with my tax doallrs and instead of building 70 new shelters build some affordable housing so we the poor middle class who work and get thrown out because we cant afford $1,500 doallrs in rent but some how make too much money for food stamps so at least I can attempt to pay that kinda rent or temporarily were out of work or fell on hard times, can pay you guys rent to help sustain the joke show you call PATH.That's who is filling your shelters right now those who work to pay your salary, those who voted for you thinking you were going to do your jobs. The money that you put out a night to put me in that hell you called shelter that served me what looked like reject alpo for dinner no clean bathroom no hot water no heat bugs of all kinds while i was a high risk pregnancy with a disabled child -save that and use it towards paying my rent which is far less then what the shelter gets to make my life hell. you can make these affordable buildings all up to code and safe so you don't have to force people like me with families into houses that are unsafe for children you wont have to send your fake inspectors out because a simple search of public hpd records would have pulled up the lead paint violations (i found that out later on) that you didn't bother having my apartment checked for. you wouldn't have to pay housing case managers that nice bonus they get for every family they get out(yea we know about that) after the lie to families and tell them they have to pay extra illegal money to the land lords and if they don't they will be sent to a worse shelter or lose shelter- maybe that's why these programs didn't work??? Gee NYC Government how with all the problems your having will you pay me after I sue that crap out of you for forcing me to take an apartment that you didn't check that made my kids sick if you cant even afford to help the people you are suppose to help now? The government of NY wants to reduce spending?They should look where there money is being wasted because PATH doesn't work .food for thought.. stop covering problems with band-aids and try to fix the issues instead of pretending they will go away.
dada a eliska napsal/a 13:30:26 13.05.2012
je to hůůůůstýýýý
Anonym napsal/a 09:57:18 01.04.2012
vsichni komu se to nelíbí tak ste hloupí ste buzeranti
Anonym napsal/a 19:25:15 27.02.2012
ne to se omlouvam ja to napsala nekomu jinymu ne vam tak mi prosim odpustte
Anonym napsal/a 19:24:04 27.02.2012
anonim napsal/a 16:33:54 25.02.2012
nejnudnější a nejjednodušší hra na celé galaxii
maka napsal/a 20:17:20 18.09.2011
kamoška odeššla tak sem tu sama škooda
maka napsal/a 20:17:20 18.09.2011
kamoška odeššla tak sem tu sama škooda
maka napsal/a 17:07:26 18.09.2011
nazdar super hra načíta se
maka napsal/a 16:47:38 18.09.2011
je to divný nenačíta se to skro
Anonym napsal/a 12:42:17 25.07.2011
Je to sice ptákovina ..Ale na nudu to jde
vLfJcMNcEO napsal/a 00:27:17 21.07.2011
I really cuodln't ask for more from this article.
lilka napsal/a 15:55:13 22.05.2011
strašná pitomost *2
tereza napsal/a 11:20:35 25.02.2011
nela napsal/a 11:44:47 20.02.2011
tahle hra je pekne blba nevim co naní dobryho vidíte je to kravine jo BLE a uz ji nech ani jednou hrat a je unavna
Sisinka napsal/a 17:52:00 10.01.2011
Řeknu vám pěkná kravina jestli to ostatní baví v pohodě, ale mně to přijde ehm..dětský..
mariaqaaa755 napsal/a 21:49:27 15.12.2010
je to suprova hra zahrajte si ju!!!
zuzana888 napsal/a 21:48:27 15.12.2010
je to superhra taka sa nikde nenajde len asi tu
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