Forum o hře Effing hail

Effing hail

Effing hail

Kategorie: Postřehové
Vydáno: 18.09.2009
Plugin: Flash
Velikost: 1300 kB
Spuštěno: 3126x
Staženo: 50x
Hodnocení: 54%

Popis hry:
Kroupy, které doprovázejí bouřku můžou být značně ničivé. Obzvláště, když jim trochu pomůžete a necháte je vystoupat do nejvyšších vrstev atmosféry, kde naberou pořádnout velikost a hmotnost. Pak už jen stačí takovouto megakroupu přesně nasměrovat na jeden z mnoha cílů.
Pouze myší.

Hodnocení: Nelíbí 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Líbí

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ZBGjUYlF napsal/a 18:36:20 06.01.2013
A friend of mine bhugot that and once she had it I realized she had been gypped! I own SSN and it is MUCH prettier than the crappy franken they sent her. They had put it in an Essie bottle of course. Note there was NO label on the bottom however nice dodge. All it was was some random dark blue polish with silver glitter added they did not even use a nice jelly, it was totally opaque and dark!I told her to file a Paypal claim, she did, and she got her money back. We also wrote a confrontational message on the claim right to the seller, accusing them of fraud. They whined in their reply how mean we were but guess what they did not protest the claim because they knew they had been caught. My friend wasn't required to return the product so we kept it as evidence. Thing is then, they tried to relist!!! They used the same text and the same lame excuse for the missing label something about a curious nephew removed it' riiiight. We saw and reported them and now they've vanished. LOL. Scumbags.I guess polish collectors should watch out for this sort of thing from now on, though. FYI!
gHcQyHSwYmkpkDqDz napsal/a 18:36:19 06.01.2013
I was wondering about that poislh too. I did some research (I don't want to get scammed either!) and being into poislhes as long as I have I learned some things and was hoping maybe it's becuase of this There are different labels for different releases. You have the public first release, you have the salon bottles (which don't have a letter E on the top and no bar code on the bottom). Then they did a second release of this one with the bar code and website on the bottom. Some say Nights with an S at the end. Some just say starry starry night with no S at the end. Even in other Essie colors I've seen different labels for one color. It depends on the time and factory it came from. So with this one I just don't know. It very well could be a salon release in their country. Or maybe it's a fake. The label seems to look aged. I just don't know . it was the fact that this one had an S at the end of Night. I've seen this only on other bottles here and there too. I want this poislh so bad. I have tons and tons of hard to find poislhes I am willing to trade for it too. I just don't want to get scammed and I just don't know the truth about this bottle and I am nervous about bidding. The first person who purchased a bottle from them left good feedback. UGh! I'm going crazy about this.
QYmqYRLQbg napsal/a 18:36:19 06.01.2013
Hey I just wanted to give an uadtpe on this. I did some serious digging and finally found what I was looking for. Multiple people bringing up this question who actually own bottles with Night and others with Nights. The biggest being on MUA. I saw photos of the Night and the Nights and the bottles, the colors, the labels. Yes, Essie did release some labels that named it Nights. It's not the only one to have little change Ruby Slippers has been labeled Rubies Slippers and there were a few others I can't remember. Companies are not perfect all of the time and not all are run the same, Essie being no different. I've purchased 3 bottles of Pink Parka right off the rack at an Essie retailer and when I got home found one bottle was much darker, I could go on about others but it's been all older stuff. before they were bought. Essie had a long run. With double release of SSN in different bottles, times, countries some just had a little extra to it. An S. Hope that helps my fellow SSN lovers. <3 If you find one of those in a dusty hunt or you are lucky enough to get your hands on it and it just happens to have an S, don't be afraid. Just enjoy your luck!
QDzxYgYjWqPHRvWRA napsal/a 14:39:11 20.07.2011
Wow, this is in every reespct what I needed to know.
erika napsal/a 14:11:42 11.07.2010
ja uz tu hru hraju dyl ale porad me bavi
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