Forum o hře Demolition city 2
Demolition city 2
Kategorie: Logické
Vydáno: 10.11.2009
Plugin: Flash
Velikost: 2950 kB
Spuštěno: 7583x
Staženo: 157x
Hodnocení: 49%
Popis hry:
U této hry na vás čeká spousta ničení a boření. Vašim úkolem bude sravnat veškeré možné bodovy se zemí, aby se posléze mohly bezpečně rozebrat. K dispozici budete mít hromadu výbušnin, které si postupně budete moct dokupovat. Celkem na vás čeká 5 různých prostředí, v nich budovy kladou různý stupeň odporu při bourání.
Pouze myší.
3y0Bs1lde napsal/a 10:33:40 29.09.2013
Outraged by this termination. I am a snlgie mother of 2 kids age 9 and age 6. I am also pregnant, I get paid low income. My rent is 1200. They just cut my foodstamps. How am I supposed to survive. I can't get another job because I have no baby sitter. I can't even afford a baby sitter. I came from a domestic violence home. I would be homeless with my kids, I couldn't afford utilities and rent while I have other bills to pay. I try so many resources like be on lottery for low income housing that takes time. Me and my kids are going to go hungry and homeless. It seems like the city don't care about hardworking families with kids
JOVqquzMmLh napsal/a 03:02:12 28.09.2013
" Private electronic hetlah care records are a key to lowering hetlah care costs, speedier care and portability for the patient"friendly amendment - Private "standardized NATIONAL" HCRsIf there is no standard or the standard is, in effect, multiple standards across providers and across states then the opportunity and benefit is cell phones and other radio spectrum frequencies or medical diagnostic codes or interstate highway design and standards - without a national approach - the "standard" is not really a standard.
hruška napsal/a 14:30:34 14.03.2010
nejde mit to spustit nevitejak na to?
Jablko napsal/a 13:45:54 13.11.2009
Je to fafn hra.
Änonymmmmm napsal/a 18:41:27 11.11.2009
Anonym napsal/a 18:21:03 11.11.2009
hovadina nejde to pustit
Anonym napsal/a 18:53:32 10.11.2009
me to nefacha