Forum o hře Tank destroyer 2
Tank destroyer 2
Kategorie: Bojové
Vydáno: 27.07.2010
Plugin: Flash
Velikost: 2690 kB
Spuštěno: 8710x
Staženo: 153x
Hodnocení: 53%
Popis hry:
Ve druhém díle této hry opět usednete do tanku a pustíte se bezhlavě proti každému znepřátelenému vojákovi, tanku, dělostřelecké věži a dalším ozbrojeným složkám, které se budou yskytovat schované na každém rohu. Občas bude u hry Tank destroyer 2 potřeba vylézt ze svého obrněného miláčka a vyrazit do terénu pouze s puškou v ruce, aby jste si mohli zpřístupnit cestu. Tyto chvíle pro vás budou obzvláště krušné, protože budete extrémně zranitelní.
Pohyb - šipky nebo WASD, Střelba - myší, Změna zbraně - Q,E, Raketa - F, Vystoupení z tanku - mezerník.
EAzmwqbfusW napsal/a 16:43:34 02.05.2017
Nos&lappzYou_#39;re Jewish right? What you would think of some Jews dressed like concentration camp inmates taking a picture with a German dressed like an SS officer at a costume party? You wouldn't look askance at that?
mez098C0fgF napsal/a 16:20:48 16.11.2014
jijijijiiiji Home care doesnt dagame your hair, thats just if you dont know how to care for your hair correctly. It's just that I kept playing with my hair and I kept doing things that worked for other people instead of myself, but I noticed that going to the Dominican Salon always worked for me, so instead of doing what everyone else was doing, I did my hair at home like the dominicans did but I just got tired of doing my own hair, so I started to go to the Dominican Salons again. lolJust dont follow what everyone elses regimen is (thats what i did). Por ejemplo, my older cousin who has looser curls than I always puts conditioner in her hair every day and I started doing that, but my hair just got weaker and thinner. Another example is my friend Isa whos colombian and she washes her hair everyday (I dndt bother to research why I couldnt do this, I started researching when I was 15. Im 17 now) And so I started washing MY hair everyday and I just DAMAGED it! It was so tiny, fragile and thin!You could try out different things to see if you like it, just make sure its not damaging or you could just stick to what you KNOW works best for your hair.
Misa napsal/a 14:39:41 30.11.2010
Anonym napsal/a 14:39:24 30.11.2010
Zpráva nesmí obsahovat žádné odkazy
Anonym napsal/a 06:46:00 11.08.2010
Zpráva nesmí obsahovat žádné odkazy
osel napsal/a 21:37:04 09.08.2010
lehký udělal sem to celí za půl hodiny