Forum o hře Sift renegade 2
Sift renegade 2
Kategorie: Bojové
Vydáno: 04.11.2009
Plugin: Flash
Velikost: 3040 kB
Spuštěno: 5660x
Staženo: 66x
Hodnocení: 53%
Popis hry:
Ve druhém pokračování této hry bude vašim cílem pomstít smrt svého bratra a zůstat při tom naživu. Hra je plná bojových scén, které střídají dopravní honičky a nenechá vás ani na chvíli vydechnout.
Pohyb - WASD, útok - myší.
Jm1HLHKHd napsal/a 12:52:13 02.05.2017
This is somewhat related. Here again, key phrase “you are contributing to the ongoing invisibility of wo2o;…m21nPeint being, it doesn’t matter how nice you’re being in the portrayal if you’re taking away potential opportunities from people who feel excluded. Not to say an able-bodied person should never play a disabled person, but it’s something to think about on a level deeper than “this might win me an award.”
WRoR33d5jUi9 napsal/a 15:10:23 27.04.2017
Do you have more great arlteics like this one?
IH5azPage napsal/a 22:38:17 23.12.2016
criminal th2..u30;sgIn 1949 the United Nations counted 711,000 Palestinian refugees.In 2005 the United Nations Relief and Works Agency estimated 4.25 million Palestinians and their descendants were refugees from their homeland.the founding of nations is never pretty but the lying bullcrap the jewish zionist in america and elsewhere expect others to swallow is very unpallatable to the human conscience.
421SEbbmCsxw napsal/a 20:14:08 19.05.2016
Four score and seven minutes ago, I read a sweet arcleit. Lol thanks
mMKMI3ZxXTa napsal/a 04:28:24 27.11.2015
Shoot, who would have thguhot that it was that easy?
Anonym napsal/a 16:57:21 28.03.2012

ahoj borci
RrpiWIkQMDJqYoce napsal/a 22:12:13 04.01.2012
I actually found this more entertiannig than James Joyce.
Anonym napsal/a 15:43:29 01.04.2010

dobra hra
Anonym napsal/a 10:21:42 14.02.2010
Nelíbí 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Líbí
rony napsal/a 10:07:27 14.02.2010
anonymus napsal/a 15:02:05 13.02.2010
cool hra
tereza napsal/a 13:54:57 22.01.2010
ta hr je na nic
Anonym napsal/a 18:42:03 22.11.2009
debil napsal/a 13:40:27 21.11.2009
dobrá hra ale mohla by byt delsi
jára napsal/a 20:27:17 09.11.2009

pomoc j jse vidésil
[cenzurováno] napsal/a 14:21:51 09.11.2009
jo je to gud