Forum o hře Space Dude
Space Dude
Kategorie: Bojové
Vydáno: 13.11.2005
Plugin: Flash
Velikost: 331 kB
Spuštěno: 15740x
Staženo: 152x
Hodnocení: 51%
Popis hry:
V roli kresleného mimozemšťana se musíte probít přes invazi vetřelců, různé překážky a spoustu úkolů.
šipkama pohyb, mezerník střelba
YSyFQaSQm napsal/a 09:29:55 10.06.2013
That's a loaded qusiteon you can't put 3 people together on a party planning committee without politics . Committees, clubs, organizations, corporations, countries are ALL fueled by politics. Everybody has their agendas, personally and publicly. AANR is trying to assume the lead, and be an umbrella for the other groups. However their own interests are divided on the one hand, many want to promote nude recreation, and bring business to their club owners and affiliates. Others are less club oriented, and want to promote nudism in public spaces. Of course, if you go to the nude beach, you are not patronizing a club you can see where this conflict of interest is going, and this is only the tip of the proverbial iceberg. +8
krystof napsal/a 14:30:53 10.03.2013
jo je to fakt nuda
Anonym napsal/a 11:07:18 25.02.2013
Anonym napsal/a 11:07:06 25.02.2013
robo napsal/a 12:40:00 31.12.2009
Space Dude jedna super hra
kjiohvak napsal/a 01:05:58 16.07.2009
Anonym napsal/a 13:20:26 16.05.2009
kiki napsal/a 17:09:16 26.04.2009
nic moc hra
anna janouchova napsal/a 12:25:24 09.04.2009
monishq_02 napsal/a 14:00:05 15.03.2009
No je to docela husté ale nuda:
monulka napsal/a 13:59:26 15.03.2009
je to opravdu nuda:no jde to ale nuda nuda
mxsjxj napsal/a 10:56:01 08.03.2009
Anonym napsal/a 18:55:06 04.03.2009
Mno jo de to

Ale je to nuda
Anonym napsal/a 12:04:16 25.01.2009
jetam hra teken1
corbin napsal/a 07:49:02 25.07.2008
je to celkom dobre.